The 21 Days Fast of Daniel, inspired by the Biblical story of the prophet Daniel, is a purpose with the aim of cleansing, strengthening and transforming the mind of its participants.
Daniel was a young man in the Bible who had a true relationship with God but lived under the rule of the king of Babylon, who would impose idolatrous practices. When he decided not to get involved with the evil customs that existed, he did a fast for 21 days, to call the attention of God.
Today, Babylon represents the world and the “food” of the world is information, presented to us through the news, social media networks, and other sources of distraction.
In spite of its several benefits, research has proven that social media is linked to various mental health issues, particularly amongst young people, due to societal pressure and the fear of missing out.
Social media has also given rise to problems such as cyber bullying, grooming and exposure to addictive content. That is, when social media usage is not well-measured it can cause a lot of repercussions to one’s mental health, which has been prevalent amongst young people.
Every day there are new songs, films and other trending topics, with embedded subliminal messages, contrary to the Word of God. The Fast of Daniel is a period to disconnect from all of this content, regardless of your age, and feed your soul with everything that comes from the Holy Spirit.
You are invited to dedicate yourself to seeking the Presence of God and placing your mind on His Word during these 3 weeks, from 11 to 31 July.
So, let’s disconnect and focus on what God wants to say to each one of us during these 21 days.