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"I was so addicted that I fed my habit
instead of feeding my children."


My life was in a bad way. I had problems in my marriage and I was addicted to smoking and chewing betelnut. Whenever my husband would get money, I would spend it all on my addictions. It was so bad that I wouldn't buy food to feed my children. I would even fight with my husband over a cigarette. 


I was also a jealous person. If I saw my husband talking to another woman, we would fight and argue. My children had no respect for me as a mother; they were disobedient and would not listen to anything I had to say. I was also involved in many family conflicts and fights; my life was completely destroyed.


I was invited to The Universal Church and what I was taught was the opposite of the life that I was living, but I decided to commit to the Chains of Prayers as I really wanted to turn my life around.


I was active in the church, but the turning point of my life was when I took part in the Campaign of Israel, as I surrendered my whole life to God. I gave up all addictions and God changed my character as I received the Holy Spirit.


Today, I am a different women. I am happy and content, and free from all internal conflicts. 


Flora Arua 

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